

凄寥の月 Desolated winter moon


・凄寥の 寒気満ちたる 冬の月 (素粒子)

The winter moon is in the sky, filled with desolate cold.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


脳の働き Workings of my brain

・脳天の 働き鈍りたる 冬日かな (素粒子)

After the medical operation, workings of my brain are slowed and fluctuated something in the winter sun.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F2.8 IS USM


黄葉 Yellow leaves

・もう少し 生きてみたらと 黄葉言い (素粒子)

Yellow leaves say that you should live up a bit longer.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM


姫椿 Chinese tree (camellia)

・麻酔より 目覚めてみれば 姫椿 (素粒子)

When I wake upped from the medical operation, I find out Chinese tree is beautiful.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


柿に似る Ripe like a persimon

・柿に似る 脳動脈瘤 熟れたりや(素粒子)

The artery swelling in my brain has found by the recent MRI before burst out. Medical doctor says that it has ripe like a persimmon.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8 IS USM

冬日和 Clear fine weather during the winter season

・医師の手に すべて委ねる 冬日寄り (素粒子)

It cause than winter sunshine, when I trust my life all to a physician.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


野晒しの地蔵 A weather-beaten Jizo

・野晒しの 地蔵顕わる 冬陽かな (素粒子)

A weather-beaten Jizo (stone relief) becoming obvious by the oblique rays of the winter evening Sun.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8 IS USM


小春日 Indian summer

・久々に 手足を伸ばす 小春かな (素粒子)

 I stretch my limbs after a long time, in comfortable Indian summer.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


言葉 Words

・身に沁むや 医師の言葉の 重かりき (素粒子)

Medical doctor’s words weigh heavily on my mind, in late cold autumn.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


たそがれ Evening twilight time

・帰りなん 芋煮の夕餉 待つ家に (素粒子)

As evening twilight time is closing, let’s back to home where warm cooked dish of taro is preparing for supper.


5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


秋寒む Autumnal chill

・秋寒や 我が人生も たそがれて (素粒子)

The cold autumn remind me that my life have already arrived to twilight.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


雁渡し An autumn wind


・雁渡し アンデスからの 便りかな (素粒子)

An autumn wind has already begun to blow as if it is coming from the Andes.


5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM



秋の蝶 Autumn butterfly

・秋蝶や 残りの日々を いとおしみ (素粒子)

Autumn butterfly cannot help cherishing what days of life are remain to her.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


カンブリア紀 The Cambrian period

・秋天や カンブリア紀の 雲流れ (素粒子)

The autumn high sky looks clearly, and clouds wafting along in the sky since the Cambrian period.



5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


彼岸 HIGAN (The equinoctial week)

・亡き人の 面影しのぶ 萩の花 (素粒子)

A Hagi (Japanese bush clover) becomes to bloom in the equinoctial week. It makes me to remind the deceased.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


仲秋の名月 The harvest moon

・名月や やがて故郷も 遠くなり (素粒子)

The harvest moon rises on the skirts of the mountain.
As it has been passed long time since I moved from my native town, we become estranged each other.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II + EX1.4II


野分け Typhoon

・丹精の 稲踏みにじる 野分けかな (素粒子)

The typhoon (late autumn windstorm) trampled a rice plant raise with loving care under foot. All farmer's efforts went down the drain.

5DIII, EF 70-200mm/F2.8 IS USM II


おみなえし(女郎花) Patriria scabiosifolia

・おみなえし どこか悲しき 黄色かな (素粒子)

The yellow patriria looks somehow melancholic in autumn air.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


信州の秋 Autumn in Shinshu


・信州は 空高くして 蕎麦の花 (素粒子)

As Shinshu is highland area, so that high autumn sky clears and flower of Soba (buckwheat) blooms like as gentle spring snow.
5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


オリンピック2020  The Olympic 2020


・朗報の 東京五輪や 秋の虹(素粒子)

Congratulation! The Olympic in 2020 will be held at Tokyo again.


5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4 IS USM


初秋 Early autumn


・秋立つや 病む者ありて 家静か (素粒子)

 The house, which stay a sick person (Lara-chan), is standing quietly in the approach of autumn.

 5DIII, EF 100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM II


お盆 Obon festival

・ご先祖も ゆったり憩う お盆かな (素粒子)

In the habit of Buddhist, ancestors return to the present world during Obon festival (8/13-8/16) and take a rest in a relaxed manner.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


高校野球  High school baseball tournament

・激闘の 汗はじけとぶ 球児かな (素粒子)

The 95th Japan’s national high school baseball tournament has been held at the Koshien stadium. With fierce fighting, beads of sweat stand on high school baseball player’s brow.

写真は、NHK TV画面を撮ったもの810の浦和学院対仙台育英戦

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


花火  Fireworks


・弾薬より 花火が似合う 火薬かな (素粒子)

Powder suits well on fireworks than ammunition.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


夏祭り(2) Summer festival(2)

・この次は おいらの番だ 夏祭り (素粒子)

Young boy says, “Next time, I will carry a portable shrine on my shoulder”

 5DIII, EF 24-105mm/F4L IS USM


夏祭り(1)  Summer festival(1)


・季は遷る 祭り囃子と 笛の音で (素粒子)

The seasons come round with sound of Japanese summer festival music, accompaniment and sound of a flute.


5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


CP対称性の破れ CP violation

「お父さん、ニュースになっていた [ CP対称性の破れ ]ってなんのこと?」







註:CP対称性のCCharge conjugation(荷電共役変換)PParity(空間パリティ変換)


ハスの花 A lotus flower




咲く蓮や 宇宙の中で 地球(ここ)だけに (素粒子)

How strange it is!
A beautiful lotus flower blooms only on the earth in the desolate and infinite universe.


5DIII, EF100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM II


ついにマチュピチュへ(3) Machu Picchu(3) !


・誰知るや 廃墟となりし その訳を (素粒子)

Who knows the reason why such a beautiful castle of Inca had been reduced to ruin in 15th century.

5DIII, EF 24-105mm/F4L IS USM

写真 上:神官・貴族の居住区、中:今も機能している上水道、下:老いたる峰


ついにマチュピチュヘ(2) Machu Picchu(2) !


・アンデスの 調べ哀しき 遺跡かな (素粒子)

I heard a plaintive melody “El Cóndor Pasa” coming out of nowhere, when I was standing at the remains.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM
写真 上:見張り小屋、中:日時計(あるいは太陽をつなぎとめる石)、下:心地よい小庭園


ついにマチュピチュへ(1) Machu Picchu(1) !

・ケチュア語の 祈りか風か 天の遺跡 (素粒子)

Whisper of the heart, it can hear a prayer in Quechua or a sound of winter wind at the Machu Picchu remains in the sky.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


写真 上:遺跡全景、中:通路から見た遺跡、下:左側から見た遺跡(段々畑が断崖絶壁上に作られている)


やっぱりマチュピチュを見なければ! Machu Picchu, try once more!


・ともかくも 見ずにゃ帰れぬ マチュピチュを (素粒子)

Once we gave up visiting Machu Picchu by traffic accident, but it is worth to challenge again. So, we decided to change our plan, and returned all the way we had come.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM




イグアスの滝 Iguassu falls

・煩悩を 巨滝に捨てん 旅の空 (素粒子)

Looking at the huge Iguassu falls, I intended to throw away my desire for worldly things.

After a while, I casually noticed that it still remains on me.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM
