

愛犬(ララ)の死 Natural death of "Lara"

・愛犬も 天に召されし 薄暑かな (素粒子)

My pet dog “Lara” had died from old age in a light heat at the beginning of the summer. She left us a large number of lovely memories in 15 years.



                                                                吉田 春雄

Thank you so much to read this blog for a long time. As “Lara” had died away, I intend to close the blog. To conclude, I hope you and your families are happy and healthy.

                                                                          H. Yoshida


火祭 Fire festival


・草萌えて 古代偲ぶや 火の祭り (素粒子)

When grasses are getting green, Fire Festival is held at Sakitama-kofun Tumuls (it is located in Saitama Prefecture) every year. It reminds us the days long past of Japan.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


芽吹香 Sweet-smeling of opening buds


・大木の 芽吹き香洗う 我が心 (素粒子)

 I felt as if I had been purified by the sweet-smelling of opening buds of tall trees in late spring.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


晩春 Late spring

・行く春や 眠り足りなき 朝寝かな (素粒子)

The fading spring, I want to stay in bed later than usual in the morning.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


スカイツリー Tokyo sky-tree


・ビル壁に スカイツリーの 春の暮 (素粒子)

In the spring evening, the shadow of Tokyo sky-tree fell on a glass surface of high-rise building. People are enjoying spring festival.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


桜花(2) Chery-blossoms (2)

・寒さ過ぎ 心浮き立つ 桜かな (素粒子)

It’s nice weather today!

After the winter cold has passed, the cherry –blossoms enliven the people.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


落ち椿 Fallen camellia

・混迷に 我を呼び込む 落ち椿 (素粒子)

I’m thrown into confusion with seeing fallen and scattered camellia.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


桜花(1) Cherry blossoms(1)

・菩提寺に 楚々と咲きいる 桜かな (素粒子)

What a pitiful flower it is!
The cherry-trees are blossoming gracefully at the backyard of my family temple.


5DIII, EF100mm/F2.8L IS USM II


白鳥帰る Whistling swans return to the north

・白鳥や 長い飛翔の 無事祈る  (素粒子)

Good luck!  I hope whistling swans have an uneventful journey to their native northland.

 5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


初午祭 Hatsu-uma Festival


・稲荷様 恵み給えよ 豊穣を (素粒子)

Inari-sama (god of harvests, wealth, and fertility), please make us a present of huge harvest this year.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


あれから3年 Three years since Tohoku earthquake

・春寒や 黙祷捧げん 被害者に(素粒子)

It has been passed three years since Tohoku earthquake. We offered a silent prayer for the souls of the victims more than 18,000 in cold wind.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


梅の花 Plum blossoms

・待ちかねた 梅の花咲く 野山かな (素粒子)

 It is delight that plum trees are blossoming with perfume in hills and fields, as we have been waiting impatiently to bloom in cold season.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


余寒(2) The lingering cold in early spring (2)

・春寒や いつ暖かく なるのやら (素粒子)

It has been continued cold wind and snowfall after the first day of spring. We are waiting real spring with all our heart.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


余寒(1) The lingeling cold in early spring (1)

・欄満の 桜夢見る 余寒かな (素粒子)

With seeing cherry trees naked of leaves in the lingering cold in early spring, we dream the cherry-blossoms are in full bloom.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


立春寒波 A cold wave in the beginning of spring

・春立てど 雪の降りたる 寒さかな (素粒子)

Though it had passed the beginning of spring (in the traditional Japanese calendar), a cold wave and snow has come in this Kanto field.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


冬菜 Winter vegetables

・ご近所に 貰って嬉しき 冬菜かな (素粒子)

I’m glad to get some winter vegetables, for example Hakusai (Chinese cabbage), from neighbor in this season.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


大寒 The coldest season

・大寒や たまにほっこり 暖かく (素粒子)

Now it is the coldest season in a year, but there is shirt-sleeve weather occasionally.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


寒晴れ A clear winter sky

・寒晴れの 青空高く どこまでも (素粒子)

A clear and blue winter sky looks higher to the end of the world.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM II


静と動 Stillness and motion

・白鳥の 生きる姿や 静と動 (素粒子)

Swans show their style of living, stillness and motion like as human.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS II USM +EX1.4III


新年 New year

・平安を 神に祈るや 年始め (素粒子)

In the beginning of the year, we pray to God the condition of being peaceful in the world.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II