

冬芽 Winter bud

・鈍色の 光の底の 冬芽かな (素粒子)

Winter bud sprouting like a hope in the botom of dark-gray glimmer.

EOS40D, EF100 mm/F2.8L macro IS USM


寒日和 Fine weather in winter

・日脚伸び 石仏微笑む 村はずれ (素粒子)

The days are getting longer day by day after the winter solstice. Nyoirin Kannon (the Bodhisattava of Compression) gives someboday a kind smile on the skirts of the village.

EOS40D, EF 50mm/F1.8 II


冬眠 Hibernation

・咲くために 今は眠らん 枯芙蓉 (素粒子)

In order to bloom brilliantly, a desolated Cotton rose is hibernating deeply in the coldest season.

EOS40D, EF100mm/F2.8L macro IS USM


冬の日々 Winter days

・鳩もまた 着ぶくれたるや 冬の日々 (素粒子)

Pigeon is also dressed thickly like human being in winter days.

EOS40D, EF70-200mm/F4L USM


冬籠り Staying indoors during winter

・あらためて ゲーテ読まんか 冬籠り (素粒子)

It is a great pleasure to read books written by Johan Wolfgang Goethe anew staying indoors during winter.

EOS40D, Sigma 105mm/F2.8 macro


凍て雲 A frozen cloud


・凍て雲や その胎内に 春孕み(素粒子)

A frozen cloud, it looks she become pregnant 'spring' in her womb.

EOS40D, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


寒の入り Beginning of the coldest period


・目出たさも うつつに戻る 寒の入り (素粒子)

It is the beginning of the coldest period today. Feeling the chill, we should be back to the real world from happiness of the New Year week.

EOS40D, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


新年 A New Year

・初空に 良き年をぞと 祈るかな (素粒子)

We all Japanese people pray happiness and health to the new sky.

EOS40D, EF70-200mm/F4L USM