

余寒(2) The lingering cold in early spring (2)

・春寒や いつ暖かく なるのやら (素粒子)

It has been continued cold wind and snowfall after the first day of spring. We are waiting real spring with all our heart.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


余寒(1) The lingeling cold in early spring (1)

・欄満の 桜夢見る 余寒かな (素粒子)

With seeing cherry trees naked of leaves in the lingering cold in early spring, we dream the cherry-blossoms are in full bloom.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II


立春寒波 A cold wave in the beginning of spring

・春立てど 雪の降りたる 寒さかな (素粒子)

Though it had passed the beginning of spring (in the traditional Japanese calendar), a cold wave and snow has come in this Kanto field.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II