

初秋 Early autumn


・秋立つや 病む者ありて 家静か (素粒子)

 The house, which stay a sick person (Lara-chan), is standing quietly in the approach of autumn.

 5DIII, EF 100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM II


お盆 Obon festival

・ご先祖も ゆったり憩う お盆かな (素粒子)

In the habit of Buddhist, ancestors return to the present world during Obon festival (8/13-8/16) and take a rest in a relaxed manner.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


高校野球  High school baseball tournament

・激闘の 汗はじけとぶ 球児かな (素粒子)

The 95th Japan’s national high school baseball tournament has been held at the Koshien stadium. With fierce fighting, beads of sweat stand on high school baseball player’s brow.

写真は、NHK TV画面を撮ったもの810の浦和学院対仙台育英戦

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


花火  Fireworks


・弾薬より 花火が似合う 火薬かな (素粒子)

Powder suits well on fireworks than ammunition.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM