

ビッグバン? Is it the big bang?

・朱のバラよ かのビッグバンを 思わしめ (素粒子)

Vermilion rose makes me to imagine the big bang (the cosmic explosion in origin of the universe).

I’m absorbed in reading “The Fabric of the Cosmos---Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality” which is written by Brian Greene.

5DIII, EF100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM II


鯉 Jumping carp


・いつの日か 竜にならんと 五月鯉 (素粒子)

A carp climbs tiny step difference in river, but he wants to be a rising dragon in future like a Chinese legend.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F4L USM +EF1.4XIII


睡蓮 Water lily


・睡蓮や モネの愛せし 小宇宙 (素粒子)

Water lily, it is a microcosm that Claude Monet had loved deeply.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F4L USM + EF1.4XIII


青葉(II) Green leaves(II)

・青年の 輝きに似る 青葉かな (素粒子)

The sun shines brilliantly, and the tree grow thickly.
Luxuriant green leaves like a brightness of the rising generation.

5DIII, EF 70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II +EF1.4XIII


牡丹咲く Peony in full bloom

・匂い立つ 女人の如き 牡丹かな (素粒子)

The fragrance of peony is floating on the wind. It smells sweet like fully mature woman.

5DIII, EF 100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM


さきたま火祭り SAKITAMA fire festival

・火祭りの 余韻残して 春暮れぬ (素粒子)

Leaving an afterglow of the fire festival, the season is moving from late spring to early summer.


5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


憲法記念日 Constitutional day

・行く春や 改憲の動き ひしひしと (素粒子)

Owing to the international tense in these days, the condition of a constitutional change has been in full flood.

5DIII, EF100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM