

蕨 Bracken sprout

・久々に 会えて嬉しき わらびかな (素粒子)
Meeting you, bracken sprout, so long really brings back my child times.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


春風 Spring breez

・春風に 慈悲のまなざし 観世音 (素粒子)

In green spring breeze, Kanzeon Bosatsu (the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy) is smiling with an affectionate look. 

5DIII, EF 100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM


世代交代(II) Alternation of generations(2)

・跡継ぎが 育っているよと 鯉のぼり (素粒子)

The carp streams are flying in the blue sky. It shows wholesome growth of an infant heir.

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F4L USM


世代交代(I) Alternation of generations(1)

・新芽出て 世代替わるや 落ち椿 (素粒子)

New camellia has sprouted beside fallen blossoms. It represents a circulation of life and death like as human.

5DIII, EF100mm/F2.8 macro IS USM


春の雲 Spring cloud

・山里に 友を訪ねし 春の雲 (素粒子)

As spring has come, cloud has called upon his old friends; fresh-green covered hills and fields, pounds, cultivated rice fields.
5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II



新緑 New green leaves

・冬に耐え 芽吹く大樹の 雄々しさよ (素粒子)

It is impressive to see new green leaves of the big tree after long winter season.

5DIII, EF24-105mm/F4L IS USM


桜花(2) Cherry blossoms(2)

・西行の 愛でし桜も かくなるや (素粒子)

Look at the cherry blossom! It looks as if it were a flower monk Saigyo loved.

・ねがわくは 花の下にて 春死なむ
           そのきさらぎの 望月の頃

Let me die in spring under the blossoming trees,
                     let it be around that full moon of Kisaragi month.

 (translated by Burton Watson)

5DIII, EF70-200mm/F2.8L IS USM II